It’s time to give you a better cleaning and facilities services experience. And it starts with making it simple, clear and easy to go from initial meeting to start-day. That's why we guarantee a process to get your agreement. From your quote in as little as minutes, to more formalized RFPs and site visits as directed by your schedule. Because if it isn't simple, clear, and easy at the start, what happens afterwards?
Relevant info is key to getting the best program at the best price while keeping ambiguity at the door; to give your place, brand, personnel and visitors exactly what they’re looking for when they enter your facility, all at the right price. With the right info shared, and knowledge about your current or future needs and immediate concerns, you will experience more consistency, fewer headaches and greater value for money -- all with just a simple email or quick call to start.
You told us what you want in a cleaning program, and you want to get it done professionally. But you don’t have time to build it on your own because you have a life and you know you can do more focusing on your core responsibilities; this is where we now begin the design of your winning program. We'll either adapt the current scope or start fresh with a set of new eyes and the latest innovative solutions to make it happen. Our teams do this a lot, and will now deliver on your requirements – to give you the best-customized cleaning and facilities services program to fit your budget. So check your inbox soon!
Our team worked through your needs and put a plan together you liked, a lot. This stage typically arrives after only a day or two from the original discovery and meeting. After a few docusign emails or wet signatures, we add you into our client portal and prepare personnel and equipment for the start day.
We have a start date, start times, and any procedures and compliance requests have been added to your scope and portal for our teams to follow, with training off-site underway. After the first week you'll receive a quick update with items we believe you might want to be made aware of including any issues with alarms, opening and closing, access and even storage area use. With that all out of the way, it's a country drive for you and your team.
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